Introduction: The Behmoiras Library

Mar 6, 2011 by

The private library of the Behmoiras family goes back to the times of the grand rabbis of Edirne. Historians of the period speak highly of the Behmoiras library which contained many rare religious books, among which were publications by the Behmoiras grand rabbis themselves. It also held unpublished letters and manuscripts written by prominent members of both branches of the family. The library was famous among the Jews of Edirne for the quantity and quality of its books. Unfortunately, nothing remains of this precious collection. The 1905 fire, one of several that afflicted the Jewish quarter of the city, destroyed the library completely.

In the course of the family’s first Reunion in Istanbul, in September 2005, we marked the centennial of the destruction of the Behmoiras library by performing a token ceremony. Its main purpose was to proclaim solemnly that the family has neither forgotten nor abandoned its cultural prominence. Many among its living descendants live up to the standard of our ancestors, each one in his or her field of preference. Members who attended the ceremony were called to present a publication of their own, or any personal token of educational and creative excellence. Copies of these modern diplomas and publications were stacked on a table, to indicate that though lost forever, the Behmoiras library as a symbol of cultural excellence still exists and constitutes a major family treasure.

This part of our website is dedicated to the formation and preservation of a virtual modern Behmoiras library. It will contain a bibliography of productions, whether printed or in manuscript, whether literary, scientific, artistic or other, of Behmoiras family members.

Each member is urged to contribute to this list by sending us (by email to the address on our homepage) titles of publications (books, articles, theses etc.,) or other tokens of cultural distinction, belonging to him/her or to any other family member, whether alive or deceased, whether recent or old. The Internet is packed with titles of publications by Behmoiras descendants, whatever their present name may be chong qi gong men, but we would like to receive lists by the authors themselves or by close family members.
Publications should be quoted as in a bibliographical list. (Please, no more than 4 items per person).
To these will be added, in the near future, a list of ancient publications by the Behmoiras grand rabbis and other intellectual members, which, fortunately, were printed before the fire and survived.

The Behmoiras Library

The private library of the Behmoiras family goes back to the times of the grand rabbis of Edirne. Historians of the period speak highly of the Behmoiras library which contained many rare religious books, among which were publications by the Behmoiras grand rabbis themselves. It also held unpublished letters and manuscripts written by prominent members of both branches of the family. The library was famous among the Jews of Edirne for the quantity and quality of its books. Unfortunately, nothing remains of this precious collection. The 1905 fire, one of several that afflicted the Jewish quarter of the city, destroyed the library completely.

In the course of the family’s first Reunion in Istanbul, in September 2005, we marked the centennial of the destruction of the Behmoiras library by performing a token ceremony. Its main purpose was to proclaim solemnly that the family has neither forgotten nor abandoned its cultural prominence. Many among its living descendants live up to the standard of our ancestors, each one in his or her field of preference. Members who attended the ceremony were called to present a publication of their own, or any personal token of educational and creative excellence. Copies of these modern diplomas and publications were stacked on a table, to indicate that though lost forever, the Behmoiras library as a symbol of cultural excellence still exists and constitutes a major family treasure.

This part of our website is dedicated to the formation and preservation of a virtual modern Behmoiras library. It will contain a bibliography of productions, whether printed or in manuscript, whether literary, scientific, artistic or other, of Behmoiras family members.

Each member is urged to contribute to this list by sending us (by email to the address on our homepage) titles of publications (books, articles, theses etc.,) or other tokens of cultural distinction, belonging to him/her or to any other family member, whether alive or deceased, whether recent or old. The Internet is packed with titles of publications by Behmoiras descendants, whatever their present name may be, but we would like to receive lists by the authors themselves or by close family members.

Publications should be quoted as in a bibliographical list. (Please, no more than 4 items per person).

To these will be added, in the near future, a list of ancient publications by the Behmoiras grand rabbis and other intellectual members, which, fortunately, were printed before the fire and survived.

